Call for Sponsorship

Exhibit packages

Regular sponsor (rate $1500)

Regular sponsorship includes:

  • 1 exhibit table (approximate size 72" x 24" approximately) without cover.
  • An electrical point (110 V) to connect a laptop or/and an instrument.
  • 2-3 chairs.
  • Opportunity to distribute advertisement/flyers and gift to delegate during registration (should be sent two weeks before the conference).
  • Ten minute talk during a supplier session to showcase your products and services.
  • One free full registration (includes lunch, conference dinner, …)
  • Corporate logo on the cover page of the conference program book.
  • Corporate logo and link on the IASIM18 web site.
  • Corporate logo on a poster located on the stage and poster room.


Silver sponsor (only two slots, rate $2000)

In addition to previously described items for regular sponsors, silver sponsorship includes:

  • A half-page advertisement on the inside back cover of the program book (should be sent one month prior to the conference).
  • The list of attendees (sent one or two weeks before the congress).


Gold sponsor (only one slot, rate $2500)

In addition to previously described items for regular and silver sponsors, gold sponsorship includes:

  • A one-page advertisement on the back cover of the program book (should be sent one month prior to the conference).
  • A ten-foot banner at the foot of the conference stage (you provide a printer-ready document, the organization prints it).
  • Two free full registrations (lunch, conference dinner, …)


We also welcome any other partnerships or sponsoring proposals (e.g. goodies, attendee’s bag, welcome drink, party…).


How to sponsor


Please contact Neal Gallagher for more information (Questo indirizzo email รจ protetto dagli spambots. E' necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo.).






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